Bekanntmachungsplattform für außergerichtliche Rechtsdienstleistungen

Search Help

General Information

On the website you will find announcements published by all German registry authorities under the Legal Services Act (RDG).On this website any person will be announced several times a day who is allowed to provide legal services in one or more of the fields defined in Section 10 of the Legal Services Act or in any part of these fields (debt collection, pension advice and legal services for people seeking advice in foreign law) and any person or association who in a final decision has been banned from providing legal services according to Section 9 subsection 1 and Section 16 subsection 3 clause 1 of the Legal Services Act. When requirements provided under Section 17 of the Legal Services Act are met, the data published here will be deleted. Upon deletion, you will not be able to find these publications any more – not even in the data history.

Under the menu item "Find registry" you will be able to find any person, who is allowed to provide legal services in the fields defined under Section 10 subsection 1 of the Legal Services Act (debt collection, pension advice and legal services for people seeking advice in foreign law) or in any parts thereof.

Under "Find interdiction" in the menu, you will be able to find any person or association who in a final decision have been banned from providing legal services under Section 9 subsection 1 of the Legal Services Act.


You can limit your search by filling in individual boxes in the search mask. For a search query to be effective, you must enter at least two characters in a box or select an item from a list or select an option if provided.

In addition, when defining search criteria, you can use wildcards (placeholders for single characters or a string of characters). You can use the question mark (?) and the asterisk (*) as wildcards. The asterisk is a placeholder replacing no character or one character or any number of characters.
Example: If you are looking for "Collection Agency" you only need to type "coll*agency".
At the end and at the beginning of a word the asterisk is inserted by default.
Example: If you are looking for "Meier" you only need to type "Mei".
The question mark is a placeholder for exactly one character of any kind.
Example: The search word "Ma?er" will find "Mayer" as well as "Maier".

Before you can choose a registry authority you must specify the corresponding federal state.

By selecting the box "Search also in previous publications (history)" you will initiate a search with the chosen criteria that will include outdated data records as well. The hits of the search that belong to history records will be highlighted by the word "history" written in bold.

Example: The debt collection agency "Deutsche Inkasso GmbH" has renamed itself as "Deutsche Factoring GmbH".   In this case, a search with the key word "Inkasso" will return an appropriate result only if you enable the box "Search also in previous publications (history)".

Using the two boxes under "Date of the last publication" you can display all records that have been published in the period starting from a specified date or records published in the period between two specified dates or records published until a specified date.

When the four search options in the fields box are used (debt collection, pension advice, legal services for people seeking advice in foreign law and registered authorised holders), a logical OR search will be performed.

Example: If you check the box for debt collection and pension advice, you will find not only legal service providers who work in both fields but also legal service providers who work either in the debt collection field or provide services in the field of pension advice or in both the that you have selected.

In the box "Hits per page" you can determine how many search results should be displayed on a single display page.

In the "Sorting" box you can choose whether the listed search hits should be sorted by date, company/name, location or court.

The search can be started by clicking the search button or by pressing the ENTER or RETURN key on your keyboard.

Search Result

When the list with the search results is displayed, you can select a detailed view of a specific entry by clicking on the file reference number that is highlighted in blue. Here you fill find further information on the published data record you have chosen such as, for instance, qualified persons, legal representatives or limitations in the registered fields.

For each data record displayed the search results list will provide the name of the competent registry authority highlighted in blue. By clicking on the name you will be directed to the web site of the respective registry authority. If a name of a particular registry authority is not highlighted in blue then this authority does not have its own website.

You can also perform searches for a specific legal service provider by specifying any qualified person and legal representative in the Name/Company box. If any hits are returned as a result of such a search query, this will be indicated by the words in bold letters ‘qualified person’ or ‘legal representative’.

You can also perform searches by specifying a location or locations of subsidiaries of a legal service provider in the "Location" box. If any hits are returned as a result of such a search query, this will be indicated by the word "subsidiary" in bold letters.

Example: You are searching for a legal service provider in Munich. The result of the search query performed will include also legal service providers in Germany who are not based in Munich but have a subsidiary in Munich.

In the search result list and in the detailed view, on the right or above, you will find the date and the time of the last update of the record.

If any changes to a registered person have been published - such as change in address, name, legal representative or qualified person ­ you will be able to see this due to the fact that beneath the data record in the detailed view a note is displayed saying: "History, created on <date><time>". This note is underlined in red to improve legibility. If you click on this note you can read the historic – not up-to-date – record.


You can print any page provided in this announcement platform by clicking "Print page" at the bottom of each page displayed on the screen.

Further Information

No further information in addition to the published data can be obtained from this website or directly from the Justice Ministry. For further details please refer to the competent registry authority. The same applies if, in your opinion, any data published here contains false information.

0211 837 1917

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